Tuesday, November 11, 2008

He's finally here...

So, our new puppy was supposed to join our family on Friday and ended up coming to us today.

Rob had the day off and we wanted to have a "family" day. We began running errands, then we thought of making the drive to the breeder and picking up our puppy early.

You know the giddy excitement that you get when you are not sure if you are doing the right thing, or when you know that the suggestion that was seemingly impossible starts to take shape and become possible? Yeah, that's what happened to my husband and I.
We looked at each other and said "Should we?" and our answer to each other was "Why not?"

Then as we were driving out of the city my DH says "I feel like we are making the biggest mistake in the world!" I wanted to choose to ignore the statement...then realized I couldn't.

Well, it turns out it was his version of cold feet. We made the trip, picked up our puppy and now we are a family of 5!

Here is TOOT, yes that name won out. I am not all that excited about it, but I am sure the name with grow on me (with time...like several months...or years...)

The kids are super excited and Reese even likes him (she REALLY does NOT like dogs)

Whenever Reese sees any dog she says "Doggie no eat me!" Well, when she wakes in the morning and realizes that Toot is here to stay, she will have to begin loving him -right now she is tolerating him.

So, here I am now, potty training TWO -Reese and Toot. What fun! I'm sure there will be stories to tell on that issue in the near future!



BeeBopp23 said...

Yay! He's home! When I first got Reyna...my littlest chihuahua, I wanted to give her back a few times when she was just a puppy! I had never had a dog that was just mine! It was hard! Now, I don't know what I would have done without my lil pal through all the training deployments and the one to Iraq. Even after having Reyna for a few years before getting G, I thought about giving him to my mom when he was a puppy! Lol! Their puppy year is adorable, but so much work! But like I said, it will be worth it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats girl.
Can't wait to see him later today!

Michelle LaPoint Rydell said...

ohhhhhhhh what a sweetie! Congrats on your new family member!