Sunday, July 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to my Son!

Today is a very special day, Robert turns 5 today!!

The last few days have been quite hectic in our home. My hubby left on a 2-week contract and is gone until the beginning of August. I then had 3 busy days after he left.

But, all that aside...the best part of my week was today. Robert showed so much gratefulness today and I was so very proud of him. But with all the maturity he showed, there was a time to play...and that was at his party on Friday.

Brave (or crazy) me took 10 5-yr olds to the West Edmonton Mall (the LARGEST mall in the world) for a Sea Lion Show and a tour of the Sea Life Caverns. With my parents along for the ride, we managed to stay on top of the kids and it was quite a fun afternoon.

Here's the birthday boy!The kids actually sort of posed for a picture. Robert wanted to look "cool" for the pic.

Such a fun day...By the end of the party, my daughter was about finished. I took one last picture with Papa and Nana and her expression is priceless...she is DONE!I just want to shout from a rooftop...

Happy Birthday Robert!!


1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

Happy Birthday Robert and it looks like you had a grand day!!!! :)